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Who we are?

Luitpold-Gymnasium Wasserburg am Inn;
Ntra. Sra. de la Providencia;
Silales r. Pajuralio pagrindine mokykla;
Vergina Gymnasium;
Hatsalan klassillinen koulu.

What is all about we do?

Students at the age from 12 to 16 years should be enabled to develop different ways of doing healthy sports autonomously together with like-minded people.


Project aim is to support the process that young people plan and conduct their actions on their own. Technically challenging kinds of sports , expensive equipment or gyms are considered to be redundant, so that the costs are not high so much and everybody can afford. 
One more aim of the project is to arouse the pupils' sense of responsibility for their own health. 
Moreover, the project aims at raising young people's awareness for nature in all its facets (weather, flora and fauna, geography) and for their surroundings. You will only be able and willing to protect the world around you and to fight for its continued existence if you know about the beauty of your natural environment. It is especially on an international level that we can see that environmental protection needs to be global in order to be successful.


The role of the teachers is to give advice, but pupils have to take care about the equipment, time management, planning a route and so on. According to that we put emphasis on including a huge variety of places in order to guarantee an enormous range of sporting activities. The students of each country will organize one or two activities where the international partners will take part. After visiting every partner school can modify the arrangements of these activities for their own possibilities. Additionally, pupils are going to work on a further kind of sports between the short-term exchanges.


We are planning to leave the visible result at each school, by making at least one new sport solution. This means, we will create something, what could be used for sport. The idea is, that we altogether can figure out the new way for doing sport in a particular place at school. Different-minded people see more than normally can see the person who is get used to the situation and sometimes does not see the obvious opportunities.
All the results and documentations will be published on a project website, on the different websites of the schools and in a brochure, so that further generations of students have an idea and advice how to organize such sporty events.

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© 2016 Erasmus+ KA2 <<Self-organised healthy sport>>

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