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Pajuralis basic school 

At the beginning of the school year we organise wellness day named "Mother, father and I". The goal is to attract parents to do sports with their children together. The competitor teams play relays. After that all players eat healthy food prepared for the event. This year we had a pilates instructor for final part. She showed many good exercises, which strenghten body and improve health.

This year we started long term healthy lifestyle program for primary classes "Sveikatiada", which provides schoolkids practical knowlenge and skills about health, nutrition and pshysical activity. They had blind tasting contest, made fruit compositions, salads and many more.

After that we have event "Healthy body gives you healthy soul". It is for addictions like alcohol, drugs and tabaco prevention. Program was consisted with active and interesting activities. Older pupils had chance to try training machines at a local gym. Everybody learnt Nordic Walking techniques. At the end there were football contest among classes. 

This year goverment started project for informal education. It allows children to use private pool complex in Silale city particulary for our schoool. This is good way to keep children active during the winter season. 

In spring we start more and more events connected with sports. One of them is "Grow stronger together". During the event a few schools from local area come to PajÅ«ralio pagrindinÄ— mokykla to compete in various games: basketball, football, darts and relays. 

Another event "The ray of childhood". It is organised by Social health bureau. All primary kids go to our district's center pine forest, where everybody dance and sing.

Before the end of a school year we have event named "Move and be stronger". Then all schooll go to the river JÅ«ra. There they builds camps, plays various games like beach volleyball, frisbie, football, dodgeball, swim. 

At the beginning of summer we start summercamp "PajÅ«ralis tarzans". It is for 11-16 years old children. Depending on finances during the period, children go to exursions to other cities, do sightseeing. Last year they traveled to Kintai, the Baltic sea region, where they sail with the small boat in the sea. They went to Palanga beach and few local objects nearby. Many of the children see the cultural sights for the first time. All days are spent very actively. 

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